Friday, March 6, 2009

Women! Just Whistle For Help!

What does a woman do when she is attacked? call an SOS helpline? but what if it gets too late... would ones reflexes work so promptly when she is attacked by goons? I wonder!

The best answer to this would be to have an effective symbol of protest... and also a weapon to alert.

A Whistle!

Women With A Whistle Around Their Neck... are requested to join men in shorts at Gateway at TIME (ToBeConfirmed).
Do remember to bring placards demanding action against people believe in "ManHandling" Women.
we tried our level best to get police permission. but in view of the Lahore attacks, the Mumbai Police is overburdened with security concerns. We, as responsible citizens wouldn't want to add to their woes and wouldn't mind changing the nature of the event even at the last minute.
I am making a video and encourage women to whistle Pan-Mumbai. You too could join the video movement…
Wherever you are… try and get your hands on a handy cam, form a team or 2-3 people , come out on the streets… and interview women…
Ask them 3 questions:
1) What would your instant reaction be if you were attacked by men?
2) What do you feel is the reason for the men to attack women in pubs in Mangalore…
  • the men were perverts?
  • the women were of loose character?

3) Do you feel only women who wear “western” clothes are attacked?

Also ask them to respond to the following

1) One Message To The Women Who Were Attacked…

2) One Message to The Attackers…

End the interview by asking the women to register their protest.

Q) How Do They Register Their Protest?

A) By blowing the whistle!

The deadline is 12 am woman's day. By the end of 08 March 2009 you should have videos edited and uploaded on you tube.

Remember: Title your Videos

“a S.I.T.A. video (by your name) “

and please mail me the link at

Aren't whistles something that women deal with every day?

lets whistle out whistle blowers of masculinity, I say.

You are in the US and want to participate... No Problemo. Just click on the application on the right. And leave a WHISTLE MAIL. Remember to mention your name and where you are from. We will Upload the same on YOU TUBE.

LETS CREATE HERSTORY. No more history.

P.S. Remember we need to keep this peaceful. We cant take law in our hands. If we do, what would be the difference between them and us. You will have to take permission of the person whom you are interviewing. The responsibility is totally of the film maker and his/her crew.

Remember, this is no contest and there are no prizes.

Thank you De for the wonderful idea of starting a S.I.T.A. sena and this slogan...

S.I.T.A. Sainiks SEETI BAJAAO... Khud Ko Bachchaao!

date stamp changed

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Download, Print and Join.

Sanju Ayyar! love you for this. And thank you buddy!